
By combating cross-border crime more effectively, we aim to make Europe and the daily lives of the people who live here safer.
European police cooperation aims to ensure that police officers have the information they need from other member states. We wish to strengthen the collaboration of the judicial system, police and customs. The instruments of the European Union for judicial cooperation to combat cross-border crime and in civil matters are to be expanded.

What are the EU’s priorities in the fight against organised crime and terrorist activities?

Europol (European Police Office) and Europol’s ability to support the operational work of national authorities in combating cross-border crime, terrorist and extremist threats are to be strengthened during Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) supports judicial coordination and cooperation between the national authorities in combating terrorism and serious organised crime affecting more than one EU country. Eurojust is to grow further in order to support investigations better.

Combating international terrorism remains one of the greatest challenges in Europe. It must be ensured on a continent of open borders that information flows reliably and quickly. In order to improve further the flow of information, a joint analysis of the various national systems for conducting assessments of individual threats and national lists of potential offenders is to be developed. Germany supports a swift conclusion of the regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online.

Security in cyberspace

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As well as creating new opportunities, improved connectivity and use of technologies also entails more vulnerability. In order to improve further security in cyberspace, Germany is looking to strengthen the cooperation of the member states in terms of network and information security.
In view of the increasing proliferation of networked devices, we will campaign for the foundation to be laid for a uniform minimum standard of IT security for all devices available on the market.

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