
First and foremost on the agenda was an informal exchange on Europe’s role in the global space economy.

Afterwards, the ministers responsible for space from the EU and from European Space Agency (ESA) member states held the tenth meeting of the EU-ESA Space Council. The informal discussions centred on a conclusions document entitled “Orientations on the European contribution in establishing key principles for a global space economy”.

The same paper was adopted by the EU (Council conclusions) and by the ESA (ESA resolution). The Space Council designates a ministerial meeting attended by the EU Competitiveness Council and the ESA Council, and acts as a steering instrument for pan-European Space Policy. The meeting is chaired by the two Councils’ Presidencies - that is, the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the French and Portuguese ministerial co-chairs of the ESA Council. As neither the Competitiveness Council nor the ESA-EU Space Council could take place in Brussels in view of the pandemic, both meetings were held as videoconferences.