
The Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs welcomes this decision:

Concrete improvements in the European labour market are an important concern during our Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This applies above all to young people who are particularly at risk of unemployment as a result of the pandemic. We agreed unanimously on improvements in the Youth Guarantee. This sends a good message to the young generation and opens up better prospects for the transition to the labour market.

The core objective of the revised Youth Guarantee remains to offer young people a job or training place, the opportunity to participate in a continuing education and training programme or an internship within four months after having left school or having become unemployed. The aim is to reach even more young people in the future by extending the age limit from under 25 to 29 years. A new focus has been put on particularly vulnerable young people, such as those living with a disability, belonging to a minority or living in remote rural areas or disadvantaged neighbourhoods. It also aims to provide young people with individually tailored advice as early as possible and to enable them to acquire the digital and green skills they need in view of the changing world of work.