Many citizens of the EU don’t take notice of the EU in their everyday lives and often don’t realise what impact EU policies have on their lives. Not everyone has heard about the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which Germany will hold until the end of the year.
Internationaler Bund Süd aimed to change this and launched a transnational video project as part of its work with young people.
Questions for the people in the Trio countries
The idea was that young people from the countries that make up the current Trio Presidency - Portugal, Slovenia and Germany - would ask people on the street about their personal feelings about Europe. “What are the advantages of EU membership for your country?” “What do you know about the Presidency of the Council of the European Union?” A lively debate was sparked with a broad section of the general public about the importance of the (German) Presidency of the EU Council and about people’s hopes and expectations of the EU in more than 14 cities in the three countries.
Young people in Europe share their experiences
The video project always lasted one day for each group. In the morning there was an introduction to the subject matter, and in the afternoon the young roving reporters were to be found in their local pedestrian area. Finally, there was an opportunity to share experiences with the young people in the other participating countries.