In the project Europe's Kitchen, the kitchen becomes a platform for intercultural and Europe-wide dialogue across borders. The video installations Black is a Beautiful Word. I & I (2019) and The Gaze (2017-today) by Danish artist Jeannette Ehlers are the starting points for Europe's Kitchen in Scotland. They deal with colonial structures and the politics of the gaze. Under the title Looking at / with / for / after one another, and in cooperation with the Soul Food Sisters Glasgow, Deverone Arts in Huntly, and various British experts, the video installations will be interpreted and discussed from various perspectives. On 18th of October Paul Gilroy, A.L. Kennedy, Karen Alexander, Lizzie Collingham and the Soul Food Sisters meet for an online discussion with Jeannette Ehlers and our host Priya Basil to discuss art, hospitality, Europe, power relations and togetherness in the present time.

Organiser: Other

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